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Despite investing in healthcare performance improvements such as mobile Ultrasound (US) units with wireless capabilities, Lakeland was still experiencing challenges with delivering services for the ED within the target timeframe. Several issues were identified as possible causes of delay. Philips was asked to provide external validation of the identified issues and to make recommendations for additional improvements in ultrasound exam efficiency in the ED. Our project recommendations focused on mitigating delays while improving patient throughput and the overall patient experience. The subsequent improvements resulted in Lakeland winning EmCare’s 2014 Genesis Cup Award for ED Innovations*.
The Philips team provided a thorough analysis and astute performance recommendations. As a result, we made several changes that helped us to significantly improve our workflow and our patient care experiences.”
Maureen Leckie, RN, MSN, Associate Vice President of Clinical Operations
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
Following a project and scope review, our consulting team recommended a short-term performance improvement engagement to provide a rapid assessment. A collaborative Philips-Lakeland project team including clinical staff and members of management agreed to the key project goals: Key recommendations Bases on Philips analysis the following recommendations were made:
Lakeland implemented many of the Philips recommendations including: These changes have resulted in immediate improvements* including:
*Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
Where: Lakeland Regional Medical Center, Lakeland, FL. What: Improve examination turnaround time for diagnostic ultrasound services How: Conducted data analysis, staff interviews, and onsite observations, followed by root cause analysis and prioritized change recommendations. Results: Average two hours length of stay reduction, ~ 80% of patients are treated and discharged or admitted to an inpatient bed in fewer than three hours.*
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